Love Math Tuition

Inspiring Your Kids to Love and Excel in Math

Igniting a belief to do well for Mathematics: The Ultimate Guide for Singapore Parents

Many parents send their kids to my math tuition center, telling me that their kids did not do well for mathematics. Reasons that they gave were laziness, unwillingness to do homework, falling behind classes and not understanding the math concepts taught in school. These are real issues that will result in your kids to fail mathematics. They no longer believe that they can do well. The longer this goes on, the more they believe that they will not make it in math. How then should we help them achieve academic success?

Cultivating a Positive Math Learning Atmosphere

Students usually dread math lessons, especially when they are in school. Usually, due to the large class size and sometimes when they are unable to catch up, things start to snowball. Math lessons conducted in school might be mundane, adding to their boredom. Here in Odyssey Math, by making math fun with games and rewards, we make sure that students at least enjoy certain part of our lessons. By making lessons enjoyable, students won’t really dread coming for classes. This creates a positive math learning environment for our students. They are not just purely learning mathematics, they get to enjoy it.

Encourage Them and Make Them Believe That They Can Do Well

Trust me when I say this, because it comes from experience. A good math tutor do not purely just teach math well.  That is required of them. A good math tutor should be able to connect with the students, understand them and provide the pillar of support for them through words of encouragement. A good math tutor must believe that students have the potential to do well through hard work. Never ever put a student down because he/she did not do well. Let him or her know that failures in life are  ingredients for success. Make them believe that with hard work, nothing is impossible. It might not work the first time. It might not work the second time. So long as you do not give up on them, they will appreciate it and when they do really put in the effort and see results, that will be the turning point.

Making Math Simple

One of the main reasons why students do not do well is because they are unable to understand the math concepts taught in school. In Odyssey Math, we always try to explain complicated concepts in a simple manner. As much as possible, while making math simple, we aim to ensure students understand all our lessons. When they do, the initial job of a tutor is completed. Students must be able to understand math concepts before even doing the practice questions.

Unlocking Success with Odyssey Math

For students who require additional help and support in math, Odyssey Math is the answer. We provide dedicated support and guidance to students in need of help for math. With access to our online math videos, your child will receive the support they need to excel in math.

Conclusion: Make Math Fun and Easy

In conclusion, throughout my time teaching many students, one thing I know is how much they actually dread lessons. It is important that we make math lessons fun for students. Objectively, we should make math easy to understand. Most importantly, we must believe in students’ ability to do well and encourage them throughout their academic journey.

If you are looking for math tuition, please visit Odyssey Math Tuition Singapore for more information.