Importance of Math Tuition

Is Math Tuition Important?

Are students always lamenting that they could not keep up with math concepts taught in class? Are students struggling to keep pace which resulted in their lack of understanding for math concepts which resulted in them failing math exams? These are some of the common reasons why students are unable to do well in mathematics. Teachers have to handle up to 30 students at once and they couldn’t possibly cater to the needs of all the students. Inevitably, there will be students who will fall behind. Math Tuition is indeed a way for tutors to help students in mathematics due to small class size.

1) You can ask your math tutors for help after class, probably not your math teacher.

One of the best thing that students can do when joining math tuition is the ability to ask their tutors questions. The job of a tutor is to help students in their subjects and sharpen their understanding of math concepts. While teachers are equally capable of helping their students, one must understand that they have a lot of students to take care of. In addition, they have other school administrative matters to take care of as well.

2) Math Tuition focuses on students’ learning.

 When parents send their child to tuition, the aim is to hope that their child can learn and improve in the subject through tuition. With small class size, tutors are able to attend to students’ needs and clarify on their misconception on the subject. Of course, some tuition centers will large class size and it depends on which tuition center you want to send your child to attend. Ultimately, be it 1 to 1 tuition, online tuition or group tuition, you can be guaranteed that there is a tutor to guide your child. 

3) Your child does not have the discipline to study alone.

When you send your child to tuition, at the very least he is being put into an environment with classmates where he has to do some work on mathematics. Without math tuition, students misconception in math concepts can grow to the point when it will be quite overwhelming for them to recap. The transition from primary school to secondary school also means that students have the option to take up to 2 math subjects, elementary math and additional math. Without proper guidance, students might not work on mathematics themselves. Given the proper environment, guidance and motivation, math tuition can prove to be useful where tutors try to motivate your child to commit to serious learning of mathematics.

4) Your child needs to relearn past math topics all over again which might be daunting.

If your child has to relearn math concepts all over again since your child has failed mathematics in secondary 3 and is taking O level this year, chances are it might be a huge hurdle for your child to overcome without proper guidance. Math tuition has tutors to organize notes and break down math concepts easily for students to understand. As such, for students taking O level this year and have failed their secondary 3 math exams, relearning past topics will be less daunting. One way they can relearn math is through e-learning portal.

Ultimately, it depends on the needs of the students and their ability to study alone. Math tuition is able to make the study of mathematics less daunting with guidance and motivation from the tutors. Students are able to clarify on math concepts that they are unsure and along the way enhance their understanding of mathematics. Communication with your child is definitely the most important factor to understand what is needed. Good luck!

If you are looking for math tuition, please visit Odyssey Math Tuition Singapore for more information.